Bernard King Therapy in Glasgow
My aim as a therapist is that I will fully support my clients on a journey of self exploration and development within any situation, in order that they may live more complete and fulfilling lives with the ability to negotiate challenges more effectively.
I draw freely from a wide range of approaches to suit the individual needs of each client.
Short term specific issues or long term personal exploration, growth and development
Many people come to psychotherapy with a specific issue or problem, but the uses and benefits can go far beyond helping one just find solutions. Such therapies are ultimately really concerned with the growth and development of the individual, and the reclamation of hidden or unacknowledged parts of ourselves that can lead us to fuller, richer and more authentic lives. Hence they are also extremely relevant for those who wish to explore, grow and develop within themselves, as well as for dealing with problems.
Location and contact details
Appointments can be made by ringing me on 07980 235592, emailing me on or by filling in this form.
I am located on the South Side of Glasgow, just fifteen minutes from the city centre, near to public transport.
Appointments can be made for during the day or early evening.
Free initial exploratory meeting – reasonable fees afterwards
For psychotherapy an initial meeting (not a therapy session) is available free of charge to assess the possibility of working together, and for me to answer any questions you may have. Should for any reason this way of working be deemed inappropriate or not the best option for you, I am very happy to recommend a therapist who may be more suited to your needs. Should we decide to proceed, it is advisable to commit to a minimum of six weekly sessions, which would include in the final one an assessment of the situation and exploration of how, or whether to proceed further. It is not possible to predict the number of sessions that may be necessary. Some problems can be resolved quite quickly, but deeper rooted more complex issues may need much time and patience.
Indirect hypnotherapy can be experienced in the first session, where a fee is charged, and in many cases issues can be resolved in just a few sessions.
My fees are £40 for a one hour session. Concessions may be negotiated in appropriate circumstances.
A Therapist With Over Thirty Years Experience
I have been active as a therapist for nearly thirty years, originally in Glasgow, where I maintained a large successful Five Element acupuncture practice, then for some years in South East England as a psychotherapist. More recently I have returned to Glasgow, where I now have a psychotherapy and hypnotherapy practice.

Bernard King Therapy in Glasgow