About Me
I have been active as a therapist for nearly thirty years, originally in Glasgow, where I maintained a large successful Five Element acupuncture practice, then for some years in South East England as a psychotherapist. More recently I have returned to Glasgow, where I now have a psychotherapy and hypnotherapy practice.
My approach is eclectic and I draw freely from a wide range of approaches to suit the individual needs of each client. I work with both long and short term issues.
The psychological aspects of the Five Element acupuncture system led me to deepen my study in the area of human relationship, and I have undertaken a full four and a half year professional psychotherapy training at the Karuna Institute in Devon, where I successfully graduated as a Core Process Psychotherapist. This approach has its roots in Buddhist psychology, yet also embraces the full gamut of modern psychological thinking.
More recently I have complemented this with a post- graduate training in Indirect Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming, where I graduated with distinction.
Also I am qualified in spoken voice work and can teach this in a therapeutic way for those who need to gain more confidence in this area, as well as running a hypnosis on line service for performance anxieties in the arts. www.confidentmusicalperformance.co.uk

My work is regularly supervised, I hold full indemnity insurance, have DBS clearance and am registered with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.
About Me